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Who is Lilie?

This beauty brand launched in 2020 by Caroline Receveur is completely focused on her and yet, she does not fall into megalomania.

She's an influencer, so people buy anyway firstly because it comes from her. But she herself places her customers at the center. The page is named “Story” and it is the only tab visible on the home page, located on the left, which is very rare in the design of websites. This goes without saying that the story of Osée Beauté is at the heart of the product.

On the page in question, there are many photos of the founder (including childhood photos), and she explains that the products offered are those that she uses on a daily basis, since she first developed them for herself.

Behind the scenes, there is a message that encourages clients to also dare, to do what they want to do. The founder (and therefore her products) therefore poses as an inspiration.

In addition, the page is beautiful, graphic, shows the products, the teams and the customers.
